

    I. Varieties developed outside India
  • Pot’n Patio Blue, Pot’n Patio Pink, “Bouquet Powder Puff, Bouguet White, Asure Blue, Giants Of California, Ostrich Plume, Crego, Crego Azure, Comet, Totem Ple, Giant Massagno, Benihanabi, Cactus Flower, Blue Wonder, White Kurenai, Ariake Pumpson, Invineible, Early Bird.
    Dwarf Types: Dwarf queen, Pinocchio, Dwarf chrysanthemum, Dwarf triumph
    Tall Types: American beauty, American branching, Giant of California standard, Super princess, Bouquet powder puff.
    II. Varieties developed in India
    1. Poornima
    2. Violet cushion
    3. Kamini
    4. Shashank
    5. Phule Ganesh White
    6. Phule Ganesh Pink
    7. Phule Ganesh Purple
    III. Salient features of Varieties developed at IIHR, Bangalore
    • Flowers are deep pink in colour, plants grow upto 60cm.
    • Takes 135-140 days to flower
    • Flower stalk length is 30cm
    • Vase life for 8 days, flower 6 cm in diameter, weigh 2g
    • Plant produces about 50 flowers.
    • Plants are 50cm height, flowers pure white compared to local white cultivar,
    • Takes 105 days to flower after sowing, flower diameter 6cm, ray florets 5-6 rows, powdery puff like, disc florets tubular, stalk length 25cm,
    • Vase life 7 days, produces 25 flowers per plant, weight 3.5g, yield is double compare to white local.
    3.Violet cushion:
    • Flowers are violet in colour, are pompon type, ray florets 4-5 rows, disc florets tubular,
    • Takes 130 days for flowering, flower 4.5cm in diameter, weight 2g, stalk length of 20cm,
    • Vase life 8 days, floriferous type, produces 70 flowers per plant.
    • Plants are 55cm tall, flowers creamy white, powdery puff type, more attractive than local white cultivar,
    • Takes 124 days for flowering, flower size 6cm in diameter, weight 2.5g, bears 45 flowers per plant, stalk length 25cm
    • Vase life is 9 days; yield double the yield of local white.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 4:49 AM