Advance varietal trials

Advance varietal trials

    Advance varietal trials (AVT-1)
    • Advance varietal trial is constituted by the entries promoted from IVT on the criteria specified above.
    • Limited number of entries in AVT-1 (not exceeding 16) is tested along with a minimum of three checks comprising of national check, zonal check and local check.
    • All these entries are evaluated in a randomized block design with 3-4 replications at the different locations.
    • The monitoring is done by the same team as given for IVT.
    • Besides the agronomic and morphological observations, the additional data may be generated by the co-operators on disease and insect-pest resistance, and quality.
    • Again, if a variety gives significant superior performance by a margin of 10% over the, best performing check in combination with other attributes is promoted to next stage
    Advance varietal trials (AVT-II)
    • Same steps are followed as mentioned under AVT-1. However, the additional data to be generated at this stage.
    • Response to agronomic variables such date of sowing, population densities and weedicide may be recorded.
    • Data on diseases, insect-pests, quality parameters and abiotic stresses may also be recorded and discussed during the workshop.
    • If the variety gives outstanding performance over the check (by a margin of 10%) besides having all the favourable attributes, then the proposal for identification of a given variety is submitted by the concerned breeder on a variety identification proforma specified by the ICAR

Last modified: Monday, 12 March 2012, 4:17 AM