World trade organisation

World trade organisation

    WTO-a Major Shift in IPRs in Agriculture
    • As Indian IP act does not permit the patenting of plants and animals which are existing in nature, Govt. of India has developed its own sui generis (a Latin phrase meaning ‘of their own kind’) system to provide a frame work for Plant Variety Protection and Farmers Right (to comply with WTO).
    Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers Rights Act (2001)
    • The Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers’ Rights Act 2001 enacted by Government of India has several unique features.
    • The act ensures Plant Breeder’s Rights on New varieties of seeds.
    • The law also grants Farmer’s Rights.
    • The act also include for setting up of a Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers’ Rights Authority and its Regional Centres, National Community Gene Fund, Compulsory Licensing and Protection of Public Interest Appellate Board.

Last modified: Monday, 12 March 2012, 6:48 AM