Hand Irons


Lesson 29 : Introduction to Finishing Technology

Hand Irons

For hundreds of years hand irons were heated on charcoal braziers or coal stoves. These methods were gradually replaced by gas heating. Steam was generated by lightly wetting the area to be pressed or by pressing through a dampened piece of linen. The industrial hand irons in current use range from 9 Kg (20 lb) monsters. The two basic types of irons used today are:

  1. Dry Iron: These are lightweight. Irons weighing about 1.4kg (3lb) with a heat range between 70 and 2400c and electronic temperature controls. This type of irons are made in a variety of shapes and is mainly used for smoothing of finishing operations where steam is unnecessary.

  2. Electric Steam Irons: These are the most commonly used type of hand irons and carry out a wide range of operations, especially those concerned with under pressing. The iron has a heating element, and steam is fed from a central or independent boiler into the steam chamber in the base of the iron. The steam is super heated by the element and released through perforations as required with the help of micro-switch.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 8:42 AM