
Lesson 13 :Mass Contact Methods


  • Dramatization is essential process of communication, in which both participant and spectator are engaged.
  • The dramatization is a substitute for the real experience.
  • Contrived experience is also a substitute, but it differs from dramatized experience in one basic respect.
  • Contrived experience retains a good deal of the original reality
  • Special values of dramatization
  • The word comes from the greek, ‘’to act or to do”.
  • In a formal sense, a drama refers to one –act or full- length play performed on a stage or red by students in a class

Five important implications of drama are

  1. The subject matter of a dramatization is stirring and attention- compelling, as such it is not easily forgotten
  2. Each participant in a well dramatized experience learns to understand intimately the character he portrays
  3. Dramatized experiences may have marked therapeutic value
  4. Dramatizations teach not merely the performers but everyone else involved to work cooperatively toward a common goal
  5. There are other , incidental values from drama participation in diction, voice control, facial expressions, body carriage and poise

Drama is a theatrical performance around a theme by some people who have rehearsed for it.

Types of dramatized experiences:


  • Play can vividly portray important ideas related to social problems.
  • Plays offer excellent opportunities in teaching hygiene, personal and community health, safety.


Pageants as a type of community drama, usually based on local history, presented by local actors and produced out of doors.

Talking doll:

It is an innovation and may be used to create general awareness of a group of people about an extension programme. Its use is, however, restricted to the availability of an expert ventriloquist, who not only project can own voice, but is also able to manipulate the movement of the doll to synchronize with the voice.

Drama, puppet show and talking doll provide dramatic experience to the audience and may be used to communicate messages on broad social themes pertaining to rural life, rather than transfer of technology programmes.

Last modified: Thursday, 1 December 2011, 9:52 AM