Meaning of Audio-Visual Aids

Lesson 18 : Audio-Visual Aids

Meaning of Audio-Visual Aids

Audio- visual aids are instructional devices which are used to communicate messages more effectively through sound and visuals.

Audio-visual aids help in stimulating the sensory organs like ears and eyes and facilitate quick comprehension of the message by the audience. These may be used for literate as well as for illiterate people.

What is audio?

Audio means what we hear. The five senses audio, visual, touch, smell and taste plays an important role in communicating message. Hearing plays an important role in receiving and sending a message effectively. The most basic form of communication is oral and face to face contact. Hearing plays an important role in oral-face to face communication. In recent days due to the invention of modern gadgets like radio, tape recorder, public address system telephones and mobile phones the type of communication is more of an indirect type as the individuals do not face each other. People in such situations communicate without coming into close proximity.

What are audio aids?

Audio Aids are the instructional devices through which the message can only be heard.


An audio aid is an instructional device in which the message can be heard but not seen.

What is visual?

A visual is what can be seen.

Visual helps one to communicate more effectively. Out of the five physical senses through which we learn, the eye is the most helpful in learning. Words are not enough for communicating an idea. The same word may even mean different things to different people. We speak different languages and so, many times communication becomes difficult.

What are visual aids?

Visual Aids are the instructional devices which help to visualize the message.


A visual aid is an instructional or communicating device in which the message can be seen but not heard.

What is audio-visual?

Audio-visual means the things which we hear as well see.

What are Audio-visual aids?

Audio-visual aids or devices or technological media or learning devices are added devices that help the teacher to clarify, establish, co-relate and co-ordinate accurate concepts, interpretations and appreciations and enable the learner to make learning more concrete, effective, interesting, inspirational, meaningful and vivid.

Or in other words

Audio-visual aids are used to improve teaching, i.e. to increase the concreteness, clarity and effectiveness of the ideas and skills being transferred. They enable the audience to LOOK, LISTEN and LEARN (by doing); to learn faster, to learn more, to learn thoroughly and to remember longer.

According to an old Chinese proverb the importance of audio-visual aids is indicated by the saying that “if I hear I forget, if I see I remember, if I do I know.”

The audio-visual aids help in completing the triangular process of learning, motivation, clarification-stimulation.

The aim of teaching with technological media is clearing the channel between the learner and the things that are worth learning. The basic assumption underlying Audio-Visual Aids is that learning and clear understanding-stems from sense of experience. The teacher must ‘show’ as well as ‘tell’.

Audio –Visual aids provide significant gains in informational learning, retention, recall, thinking, reasoning, activity, interest, imagination, better assimilation, personal growth and development. The aids are the stimuli for learningwhy’, ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘where’. The ‘hard to understand principles are usually made clear by the intelligent use of skillfully designed instructional aids.

It must be remembered that Audio-visual aids can only supplement the teacher but can never supplant the teacher.

Last modified: Friday, 2 December 2011, 9:30 AM