Importance of Audio-Visual Aids

Lesson 18 : Audio-Visual Aids

Importance of Audio-Visual Aids

Instructional tools like books and black –board were thought to be sufficient in the beginning and apparently they served the purpose till human knowledge grew out of all proportions to be acquired by single person in his life. Educators came face to face with the problem of speeding up the process of imparting maximum amount of knowledge in shortest possible time. This speeding up process is essential for various reasons. Two most important reasons among others are

  1. In scientific investigation and research, it is necessary for a single individual to know more about several other branches of knowledge which help to promote the investigation of or for research in a particular specific problem.
  2. In time of emergency like war, a great many people must be trained in technical aspects of war in shortest possible time.

Now it has been established beyond doubt that use of Audio visual aids contribute directly in improving the effectiveness of learning, in teaching and training situations.

Though the communication media are obvious potent forces in our society today, we are yet to use them seriously for making the teaching and learning process more interesting, more effective and more permanent.

Audio visual materials can bring the world into the class room. The most abstract concepts can be presented in vivid concrete forms that are easily grasped by the learners. They provide the learner with a good substitute for first -hand experience.

The task before the teacher, trainer and extension worker today is so broad in scope and so complicated in character that every tested and approved method of teaching must be utilized in order to equip learners with certain skills, concepts and attitudes besides the ability to think critically.

Motivation is a power full force in the learning process. Since audio visual materials motivate and help learning, they are important in any scheme of educational activity, either formal or informal type.

Last modified: Friday, 2 December 2011, 9:41 AM