The concept of instructional technology can be categorized into three approaches, which have been discussed on the basis of their characteristics. The three different approaches to instructional technology are
Hard ware approach
Software approach
System’s approach
Hardware approach
It refers to instruments or equipment or apparatus useful in the process of teaching such as different types of projectors, recorders, television, video camera, closed circuit television, computers etc. this approach is the result of the impact of scientific and technological development. Hardware mechanizes the instructional process by transmitting, amplifying, recording and reproducing stimuli. This enables instructors to deal with more learners with less expenditure in educating them. In other words it increases the power of teachers to reach beyond the boundaries of an instruction or classroom without necessarily increasing the cost of learners taught and sometimes even reducing it.
Software approach
It emphasizes the importance of aids to learning and indicated the application of psychological principles of learning to the teaching-learning process. It is characterized by task analysis, writing precise objectives, selection of appropriate learning strategies, immediate reinforcement of responses and constant evaluation. This approach makes an attempt to manage the teaching-learning process by promoting individual learning towards mastery level through programmed learning and learner centered instruction methods. Instructional modules, mini courses and programming material for computer are some of the software aspects of instructional technology.
Systems approach
Systems approach to instruction implies planned and organized use of all available learning aids including instructional media, in order to achieve the desirable learning objectives. It first focuses on the performance of the learner and then decisions are made regarding content, learning experiences, instructional media and instructional strategies for realizing the objectives. It combines the hardware and software approaches and focuses deeply on the process and products of teaching and learning. It ensures that the resources, i.e. money and energy invested in instruction should optimize learning through systematic planning from objectives to evaluation.