Audio-Visual aids may be classified into different types like audio aids, visual aids and audio-visual aids. They are further divided into projected, non-projected aids and three dimensional aids, display type and presentation type.
The latest classification of audio-visual aids or instructional aids is hard ware, software and systems approach.
Projectors, recorders, television, video camera, closed circuit television, computers etc. are examples of hardware approach.
Instructional modules, mini courses and programming material for computer are some of the software aspects of instructional technology.
Cone of experience is devised by Edgar Dale for explaining the inter relationships of various types of audio-visual materials.
The cone in cone of experience classifies the audio-visual aids according to their effectiveness in communication.
Directness, purposefulness and responsibility for the outcome are the three elements of direct purposeful experience.
Contrived experience is like a working model which is an editing of reality and differs from the original either in size or in complexity.
Dramatized ExperiencesMeans participating in a reconstructed experience