Components in a poster

Lesson 22 :Visual Aids- Poster

Components in a poster

  1. Picture or Illustration:
  2. It should be such as to bring out the message clearly at a glance. If it is a drawing, the actual thing be shown should be brought out in bold relief. Avoid unnecessary details so that the viewer’s attention is not confused. If you use a photograph, avoid unwanted surroundings and bring out the point prominently. While preparing illustrations keep in mind the experience of the audience and use objects familiar to them.

  3. Caption in words:

  4. tyt

    The caption should be as small as possible. A five word caption is the best. Never write the caption vertically as it creates difficulty in reading. Do not break the caption.

  5. Colour:
  6. Use bright attractive colours. The centre core can be highlighted with a more prominent colour. Even in the caption some prominent word can be given a different colour. Do not use more than three colours, otherwise it may be confusing. Do not use odd combinations of colours.

  7. Space:
  8. If a poster is loaded with pictures and words the viewer gets lost. So provide adequate space.

  9. Layout:
  10. It should be well balanced so that the viewer’s eyes can travel smoothly and quickly through the caption and illustration. It should hold his attention and clearly bring out the message to the viewer.

  11. Check:
  12. After the rough layout is complete show it to some people of the level of your audience. If there is any misconception or ambiguity, remove it.

    The poster should recommend action. It should be placed where people pass or gather. It should give only one idea and details should be given through other media.

In general a poster should contain three main divisions. The first part usually announces the purpose of a project or programme. The second sets out conditions. The third recommends actions.

Boy or Girl-
Equal for Nation’s Development

- Do not discriminate us


Points to be considered when making a poster:

  1. Support local demonstration, exhibits or activities contain dramatic pictures that will cause people to stop and look
  2. Tell the story at a glance, use
  3. One idea
  4. Few words
  5. Plain, bold lettering and lines
  6. Simple colours – not more than three
  7. Plenty of everyday living
  8. Must be timely
  9. Must be large enough to be easily seen -22’’*28’’, 28’’*44’’ etc.
  10. Place posters where people pass or where people gather. Follow it with other device such as meetings, demonstrations, films, etc.

Some extra hints
Decide exactly who your audience is

  • Put down on a sheet of paper words and rough pictures that express your message simple and clearly
  • Try to put your message into viewer’s words, a concise striking slogan
  • Rough out your poster in small scale-1/8 or ¼ actual size- so that final picture may be made by an artist
Last modified: Saturday, 3 December 2011, 6:08 AM