Any visual aid which is used for magnification of image on a screen in dark or semi dark conditions can be called projected visual aid.
Projected visuals are very effective aids to class-room teaching. They have a characteristic appeal of their own, which is especially suitable for influencing learner. When combined with recorded or on the spot commentary, they prove to be useful in a large number of situations. However, like all other visual and audio-visual aids, they are only aids and it cannot be safely assumed that they alone can do the entire gamete of teaching.
Projected visuals have some specific limitations. They require special equipment for their display. This equipment is usually costly, needs meticulous care and attention and in many cases, call for special training for its handling and maintenance.
There are many factors that can affect the quality of projected images. Three of these are particularly important i.e.
- Kind of screen
- The placement of audience in relation to the screen
- The size of image and its brightness
Understanding of these factors contributes to more effective preparation and use of projected aids. These limitations however, do not lessen the importance of using these visuals wherever suitable, because of their definite advantages.
The important projected visual aids are slide projector, overhead projector and opaque projector