Opaque projector/ Epidioscope

Lesson 27 :Projected Visual Aids

Opaque projector/ Epidioscope

  1. In opaque projection a large – apertured projector is used to project opaque materials.
  2. Opaque projector is also known as Epidioscope
  3. Pictures, drawings, diagrams directly from books, magazines etc. or drawn on sheets of paper can be projected
  4. The size of the projectable material should be around 25 cm*25 cm.
  5. Materials for projection are inserted into projector by lowering the platen.
  6. Opaque projection used in training programmes, group meetings


  • Stimulates attention and arouses interest of the audience
  • Clarifies information
  • Saves time and labour
  • Equipment easy to operate
  • Operation is easy. It can be done by any body
  • Projects a wide range of opaque material, like coins, leaves, insects etc for magnification
  • Colour of object is also transmitted to screen
  • Materials from book could be projected to class for discussion and learning. On the spot projection with readily available visuals is possible


  1. Projected pictures are not of superior quality
  2. The opaque projector is bulky and difficult to carry
  3. Because of these, opaque projector has limited use in extension work
  4. Unless the classroom can be darkened completely, the projection will not be satisfactory
  5. Materials sensitive to heat cannot face the trainees
  6. Machine is too bulky to be easily carried
Last modified: Monday, 5 December 2011, 5:21 AM