Types of fouling organisms

Types of fouling organisms

The most important members of the fouling community include the following genera and species of algae, representatives from almost all the invertebrate groups such as Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Polyzoa, Annelida, Crustacea, Mollusca and the tunicates.

Algae : Diatoms such as Biddulphia, Rhizosolenia, Chaetoceros, Thalasiothrix, Bacteriastrum,

Coscinodiscus, Asterionella and Nitzchia are represented in the primary algal film. Spores of algae such as Ulothrix, Champia, Centroceros, Oscillatoria, Priceps, also contribute to the formation of the algal film.

 Protozoans: The protozoans such as Vorticella sp., Carchesium sp., Folliculina sp.,

                      Zoothamnium sp.,  etc.

 Porifera: Sponges, though represented, appear only very sparsely.

 Coelenterates : These  are represented by hydroids like Tubularia, Pennaria, Laomedia and

                                  Campanularia. Of these, the last two are abundantly present.

   Bryzoa: Bryozoans include  both encrusting and dendritic fouling

              organisms. This group includes Crisia, Bowerbankia, Victorella pavida, Electra 

             crustulenta, Nolella papuensis, Aeverrillia setigera,  Membranipora savartii, Alderina

            arabianensis, Bugula neritina, B. flabellate, Schizoporella  unicornis, Cryptosula

            pallasiana etc., which settle freely on submerged substrates. There is great  variation in the  settlement of these organisms.

Annelida: Tubicolous annelids (serpulids) constitute an important element among the fouling  communities. As a group, they are only next in importance to barnacles. In the 

                Indian seas, many serpulids occur as  foulers. There include

                            Serpula vermicularis

                           Hydroides norvegica

                           H. lunulifera

                           H. brachyacantha  

                           H. albiceps

                            H. vizagensis

                           Pomatoleios crosslandi

                           Spirobranchus semperi

                           S. tricornigerus

                           Pomatostegus polytraema

                           Vermilipsis pysidialis

                            Pomatoceros triqueter

                           Ficopomatus macrodon and

                           Mercierella enigmatima

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 7:48 AM