

Fouling organisms are plentiful from the Artic Circle to the Antarctic. Although they are many more kinds of organisms in the tropics, the bulk of growth in a given period of time may be as great in Labrador as that of the Equator. Most of the fouling organisms have very definite depths at which they survive. Practically all true sessile fouling organisms live in comparatively shallow waters. Certain species of barnacles live at depths up to 60 meter, but these species thrive only at such depths and are rarely found attached to any object near the surface of the water. Most of the other species of barnacles exist only in the vicinity of the high-water mark and are very rarely found at a depth of more than 1 meter below high water level. Other organisms which inhabit this zone are the green algae, such as”, “Enteromorpha which are commonly seen in the vicinity of the water line on vessels. Fouling does not occur in the deep water off the coast because there are no objects upon which the organisms may secure the foothold necessary for their survival.

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 7:37 AM