4.4.Relationship between acidity and severity of the process

Unit 4 - Thermal process for canned foods

4.4.Relationship between acidity and severity of the process
This is best illustrated by the following tables.

Acidity of Food and Example

Severity of thermal process

High - Citrous fruits
pH 3.7 or less - Pineapple

Low - 5 Min at 80OC
The process is known as pasteurization

Medium - Pear, tomato
pH 3.7 – 4.5 - Apple

Medium - 15 min at 100OC

Low - Meat ; fish
pH 4.5 or more - Corn, green vegetables

High – 60 min 121.1OC
The process is known as sterilization.

To make canned foods sterile may not be necessary sometimes because food may lose all its sensory qualities. In such cases, rather than making the canned foods absolutely sterile, processor aims at commercial sterility which is aimed at killing the most heat resistant pathogenic and spoilage bacteria at that particular pH of food. The essential condition necessary for commercial sterility is that there be no health risks arising from microorganisms that survived the thermal process which means Clostridium botulinum (the most severe food poisoning bacterium), other relatively less heat resistant pathogenic organisms and spoilage bacteria are killed. The survival of other heat resistant non pathogenic bacteria may be may not affect the food.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 9:36 AM