9.1.2.Candidate species

Unit 9 - Bait fish

9.1.2.Candidate species
Examples of marine bait fish are Spratelloides delicatulus, S.japonicus, Apogon sangiensis, A. savayensis, Chromis tematensis, anchovies, halfbeaks and scad. Freshwater bait fish include any fish of the minnow or carp family (Cyprinidae), sucker family (Catostomidae), top minnows or killifish family (Cyprinodontidae), shad family (Clupeidae), sculpin of the order Osteichthyes or sunfish family (Centrarchidae). Forage fishes include the fishes of the family Clupeids as well as anchovies, capelin and halfbeaks.

Last modified: Friday, 2 September 2011, 8:56 AM