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Practical 7 - Buttock lines and bilge diagonal
Practical 7 - Buttock lines and bilge diagonal
1) Aim: To draw the buttock lines.
2)Aim : To draw the bilge diagonal.

1) Aim: To draw the buttock lines.
- Draw the vertical lines parallel to and at equal distance on either side of the centre line on the body plan (say B1, B2).
- Note down the points where buttock line meet the body plan line (say BX8, BX9, BX10, BX11 etc.).
- Measure the distance between the reference line and the points which are noted above (Eg the distance between R and BX9).
- Transfer the above distance to the sheer plan at the same station
- (say 9).
- Repeat the same procedure for the other points at different sections.
- Join all these points to obtain buttock line.
2)Aim : To draw the bilge diagonal.
- Draw the diagonal lines to the body plan on both sides of the centre line (say D1 and D2).
- Note down the points where these diagonal line meets the body plan line ( DX2, DX4, DX10 etc.).
- Measure the distance from centre line to the above noted points (eg. the distance between C and DX2).
- Transfer the above distance in half breadth plan at the same section.
- Repeat the same procedure to other points.
- Join all the above points to obtain bilge diagonal line.
Last modified: Monday, 2 July 2012, 5:48 AM