Course Content

Course Content


    Unit 1:Role and significance of microorganisms in food

    • Chapter 1
      Introduction to fish microbiology and history of microorganisms in foods
    • Chapter 2
      Role and significance of microorganisms in nature and foods – microorganisms in aquatic environment, primary sources of microorganisms found in foods.

    Unit 2:Factors affecting growth and survival of microorganisms in food

    • Chapter 1
      Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters affecting the growth of microorganisms in fish
      Intrinsic parameters - pH, moisture content, oxidation reduction potential, nutrient content, antimicrobial substances
    • Chapter 2
      Extrinsic parameters - temperature of storage, relative humidity of storage environment, presence and concentration of gases, and presence and activities of other organisms.

    Unit 3: Enumeration of microorganisms in foods

    • Chapter 1
      Study of microorganisms in foods by conventional methods – standard plate count, membrane filter and most probable number techniques
    • Chapter 2
      Study of microorganisms by rapid methods- thermostable nuclease, dye reduction test, limulus lysate test, ATP measurement, ELISA and PCR.

    Unit 4: Food preservation techniques and microorganisms

    • Chapter 1
      Microbial principles of fish preservation and processing – by use of low temperature, high temperature and drying, radiation and chemicals
    • Chapter 2
      Endospores and formation of cell aggregates.

    Unit 5: Food borne bacterial pathogens

    • Chapter 1
      Study of food borne pathogens involved in infective and intoxication type of food poisoning, foodborne gastroenteritis caused by Clostridium botulinum and Staphylococcus
    • Chapter 2
      Foodborne gastroenteritis caused by E. coli - distribution, pathotypes, growth conditions, incidence and survival in foods, virulence factors, gastroenteritis syndrome, prevention of outbreak.
    • Chapter 3
      Foodborne gastroenteritis caused by Salmonella - distribution, serotypes, growth conditions, incidence and survival in foods, virulence factors, gastroenteritis syndrome- salmonellosis, prevention of outbreak.
    • Chapter 4
      Foodborne gastroenteritis caused by Listeria - distribution, serotypes, growth conditions, incidence and survival in foods, virulence factors, gastroenteritis syndrome- listeriolysis, prevention of outbreak.
    • Chapter 5
      Foodborne gastroenteritis caused by clostridia Vibrio cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus distribution, growth conditions, incidence and survival in foods, virulence factors, food poisoning- botulism, prevention of outbreak.
    • Chapter 6
      Foodborne gastroenteritis caused by Campylobacter - distribution, growth conditions, incidence and survival in foods, virulence factors, gastroenteritis syndrome, prevention of outbreak

    Unit 6: Biological hazards in foods

    • Chapter 1
      Biological hazards in foods: mycotoxins – aflatoxins- toxin production and occurrence in foods and problem associated; marine toxins: algal toxins – PSP, DSP, NSP, ASP, ciguatera toxin, pufferfish toxin and histamine poisoning.
    • Chapter 2
      Biological hazards in foods: parasites – protozoan, flat worms and round worms associated with fish and shell fish
    • Chapter 3
      Biological hazards in foods: food borne viruses - types, incidence in foods and food borne viral diseases

    Unit 7:Sanitation and microbiological quality

    • Chapter 1
      Indices of fish sanitary quality -coliforms, E.coli and faecal streptococcus
    • Chapter 2
      Microbiological standards and criteria
    • Chapter 3
      Fish plant sanitation - need for sanitation, cleaning schedule, CIP, detergents, disinfectants/ sanitizers
    • Chapter 4
      Process water quality- water source, water quality requirement.

    Unit 8: Spoilage of fresh and processed fish and fishery products

    • Chapter 1
      Spoilage of fish - microbial, enzymatic and non enzymatic spoilage
    • Chapter 2
      Spoilage of semi processed and processed fishery products - spoilage of fresh, chilled, frozen fish, canned, and dried fish

    Unit 9: Assurance and management of fish quality

    • Chapter 1
      Assessment of fish quality – sensory, physical, chemical, microbiological and statistical quality
    • Chapter 2
      Concept of Quality Management - TQM, SSOP, GMP; HACCP
    • Chapter 3
      Quality standards - BIS, EIA, ISO, USFDA, EU and Codex Alimentarius for fish and fishery products
    • Chapter 4
      Waste management in processing industries


  1. Enumeration of total bacterial load in fish and shellfish by plate count method.
  2. Enumeration of total fungal load in cured fish and shellfish
  3. Enumeration of total spoilage organism in fish and shellfish
  4. Enumeration of anaerobic sulphate reducers in seafoods
  5. Isolation and identification of E. coli from fish and fishery products by MPN and membrane filter methods
  6. Isolation and identification of fecal streptococci from fish and fishery products
  7. Isolation and identification of Staphylococcus aureus from fish and fishery products
  8. Isolation and identification of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in fish and fishery products.
  9. Isolation and identification of Salmonella from fish and fishery products
  10. Isolation and identification of Listeria from fish and fishery products
  11. Isolation and identification of Clostridia in fish and fishery products
  12. Isolation and identification of Campylobacter from fish and fishery products
  13. Determination of MIC and MCC of chemical preservatives
  14. Enumeration of microorganisms by dye reduction test.
  15. PCR detection of pathogenic microorganisms associated with fish.
  16. Biochemical tests for the characterization of microorganisms – oxidase test, indole test, methyl red test , Vogues-Proskauer test, catalae test, citrate utilization, TSI, sugar fermentation test, aminoacid decorboxylase test etc
  17. Sensory method for assessing quality of fish
  18. Physical method for assessing quality of fish.
  19. Chemical method of assessing fish quality
  20. Determination of available chlorine in process water.
  21. Visit to fish processing plant and study of implementation of HACCP.
Last modified: Tuesday, 25 January 2011, 10:47 AM