Suggested reading

Suggested reading

  • Food Microbiology 4th Edition (2008), William C. Frazer, The McGraw Hill publishers, India
  • Modern food Microbiology  7h Edition (2005), James M. Jay, Martin J. Lossner and david A. Golden. Chapman and Hall Publishers, London
  • Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers (1997). Doyle, M. P., Beuchat, L. R. and Montville, T. J. (Editors). ASM Press, Washington.
  • Foodborne Diseases ( 2007). Shabbir Simjee (Editor).  Humana Press Inc. New Jersy.  

  • Principles of Food sanitation (2006). 5th Edition. Marriott,  N G and Gravani, R. B.  Springer Science Inc. New York.

  • Microorganisms in Foods 6: Microbnial ecology of Food Commodities  (2005). 2nd  Edition.   International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods. Springer publishers. London.

  •  Microorganisms in Foods 7: Microbiological Testing in Food Safety Management (2002). 2nd  Edition.   International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods. Plenum Publishing Corporation.

  • Biology of microorganisms (1997). 8th edition. By Madigan, M. T., Martinko , J. M. And Parker, J. Pentice Hall International, USA.
  • Assurance of seafood quality  ( 1991). FAo Technical Paper No 334. Huss, H H. FAO, Rome.

  •  Microbiology of marine food products (1991). Donn R. ward and Cameron Hackney (Editors).  Published by: Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

    Foodborne Diseases (1990). D. O. Oliver (Editor). Academic Press, INC, New York. 



Last modified: Tuesday, 25 January 2011, 6:04 AM