7.1.2. Other gastropod fishing

Unit 7- Molluscan resources
7.1.2. Other gastropod fishing
Gulf of Mannar
Every week, about 6 to 8 gunny bags consisting of a variety of gastropod species like Cypraea, Strombus, Turbo, Thais, Lambis, etc are exploited in a season near the islands, situated in the Gulf of Mannar.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
In Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the shore is found to be rocky. The rocky shore with algal growth provides gastropods with conducive environment for better survival and growth. Generally, people of the islands depend on the seafood, supported by gastropods mainly Trochus and Turbo. Others like the limpets, Strombus, Thais and Cypraea are also being exploited for food and as well to support the for shell craft industry. There is an organized and regular fishing for Turbo and Trochus in Andaman Islands. Of these two, Trochus is abundantly exploited. Although there was good landing during the past, of late the catch has decreased. The availability of this gastropod ranges from a depth of 4 to 8 meters in the rocky and coral beds. The Trochus and Turbo zones were made into nine fishing sectors by the Andaman Adminstration for the purpose of leasing to the private entrepreneurs. Under the licensing system, only the shells above 9 cm diameter (Trochus) and 6.3 cm (Turbo) are allowed to be fished. Turbo is available in greater abundance at 12 to 25 m depth. The average annual landing of Trochus is about 400 to 500 tonnes whereas Turbo is about 100 to 150 tonnes. Their shells are widely used in the shell-craft industry.
Lakshadweep Islands
In Lakshadweep Islands, the population of gastropods is scarce. An organized fishery exists only for Cypraea. The most commercially important gastropods occurring here are species of Trochus, Turbo, Strombus, Cypraea, Nautilus (Monsoon shells) and Conus.

Last modified: Thursday, 26 April 2012, 10:17 AM