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Current course
24 February - 2 March
3 March - 9 March
10 March - 16 March
17 March - 23 March
24 March - 30 March
31 March - 6 April
7 April - 13 April
14 April - 20 April
21 April - 27 April
28 April - 4 May To find out the direction
Compasses are used to find out the direction. There are two types of compasses used in navigation. They are, i. Magnetic compass : which depends on the earth’s magnetic field for its directive force ii. Gyro compass: which depends upon the inherent space stability of a rapidly spinning wheel plus mechanical or electrical torquing to keep its axis aligned with that of the earth. Azimuth circle or Bearing Circle Bearings / azimuths are expressed in degree using 3 digits from 000o to 360o in clock wise direction. Bearings - Direction of terrestrial object from the observer. Azimuth – Direction of celestial body from observer. Azimuth circle is an instrument for determining both bearing of terrestrial objects and azimuths of celestial objects. |