Weekly outline
24 February - 2 March
Unit 1: Overview of Navigation and Seamanship
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Navigation and Seamanship and Types of Navigation
- Chapter 2: Earth and its coordinates
- Chapter 3: Celestial Navigation
- Chapter 4: Nautical Charts
3 March - 9 March
Unit 2: Navigational Aids and Bearning instruments- Chapter 1: Magnetic Compass
- Chapter 2: Marine Sextant and Bearing instruments
10 March - 16 March
Unit 3: Sounding and speed measuring- Chapter 1: Lead line and Echosounder
- Chapter 2: Speed logs
17 March - 23 March
Unit 4: Signals and Aids to Navigation- Chapter 1: Rules of the Road
- Chapter 2: Navigational signals
- Chapter 3: Aids to Navigation
24 March - 30 March
Unit 5: Sea Safety and Regulations- Chapter 1: Fire Fighting Methods
- Chapter 2: Life saving appliances
- Chapter 3: Manning Regulations for fishing vessels
31 March - 6 April
Unit 6: Electronic Navigation- Chapter 1: Sonar and Net sonde
- Chapter 2: RADAR
- Chapter 3: Radio Navigation - Decca, LORAN, and omega Navigations
- Chapter 4: GPS - Global Positioning System
- Chapter 5: VHF - Marine Communication System
- Chapter 6: Radio Direction Finder
- Chapter 7: Autopilot-Automatic Steering System
- Chapter 8: EPIRB and SART
7 April - 13 April
Unit 7: Seamanship
- Chapter 1: Action during standing
- Chapter 2: Badweather Preparation
14 April - 20 April
P1. Nautical Charts - General Description21 April - 27 April
P2. Chart Reading - Symbols