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Current course
24 February - 2 March
3 March - 9 March
10 March - 16 March
17 March - 23 March
24 March - 30 March
31 March - 6 April
7 April - 13 April
14 April - 20 April
21 April - 27 April
28 April - 4 May
Bad weather
Bad weather: The fishermen may encounter bad weather especially during monsoon season and cyclones. It is very important that he should take positive action to save his crew and vessel in such an eventuality. During the cyclone, it is always wise to return to the port as and when a cyclone warning is received, because small fishing vessels will not be able to withstand the fury of the sea. Anyway, during bad weather he should prepare himself to face it. The following points are worth mentioning. a) Reduce the speed. b) Give fog signals and switch on the navigational lights in case of poor visibility. c) Increase the look-out. d) Restrict the movements on the open deck e) Close all hatches water tight. f) Inform the engine room and galley. g) Remove the awnings. h) Hear the weather warnings for fishermen and act accordingly. i) Suspend the fishing operation, if deemed necessary. j) In case of a cyclone return to the nearest port