7.1.1 Introduction

7.1.1 Introduction

Proper feeding of aquarium fish requires patience. It is important to understand the different species, and their life cycles. The amount of food required depends upon the type of food, culture conditions, and  individual fish. Newly hatched larvae may feed almost continuously. Fish generally will not overeat, unless they are fed too infrequently. One to two feedings a day are best for most fish. More for newly hatched fish and less often for larger fish.

Most problems with overfeeding result when wasted food spoils the quality of water in fish tank. Ammonia and other products of decay will degrade water quality and stimulate disease organisms. In the aquarium with under gravel filters, it is common for the under gravel to clog from accumulated uneaten food and debris. This problem can be eliminated with frequent aquarium care, including water changes, redistributing the aquarium decorations, and cleaning external filters. Common bottom-feeding fish such as loaches, plecostomus, and catfish can also help to keep the aquarium clean.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 7:00 AM