7.1.4 Feeds of fry

7.1.4 Oxbow theory Feeds of fry

The fry immediately after they become free swimming can be fed with either of the following items or all the items alternatively.

1. Green water – Green water is collected from pools or ponds or tanks. Small containers are used to produce green water. Scrapings of green algae are inoculated and urea and super phosphate are added as fertilzier. After 5 days, the green water is ready to feed the fry.

2. Infusoria – Infusoria can be either cultured or collected and fed to fry.

3. Baker’s yeast suspension – Yeast is dissolved in water and this milky liquid is used as food.

4. Egg yolk suspension – Yolk of boiled egg is dissolved in the fry tank through bolting silk cloth.

In case of feeding with egg yolk, water exchange should be done every day to remove excess food to avoid bad smell and mortality of young one.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 7:24 AM