Flowering and fruiting

Flowering and fruiting

    Flowering and fruiting
    • Guava tree flowers throughout the year, but the peak flowering is observed in 2 season, rainy crop (April-May) and winters crop (Aug- Sept).
    • Flowers are produced in leaf axils or in cyme the period of flowering varies from 25-45 days.
    • Honey bees are the pollinators.
    Flower regulation
    • Bahar treatment expand, root exposure, with holding water and also deblosoming the rainy season crop due to insipid taste of the fruits and inferior quality.
    • So winter crop is generally desirable.
    Fruit set
    • Only 35-50% fruits are carried to maturity though initially 80-86% fruit sets.
    • In seedless variety, it is as low as 6 per cent to improve fruit set, GA3 at 200ppm.
    • Fruits take 105-140 days to mature from fruit set.
    • Spraying GA3 at 1000-8000 ppm is suggested to improve fruit set.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 May 2012, 1:13 PM