

    Jack Fruit
    Botanical name
    : Artocarpus heterophyllus / Astocarpus integrifolia.
    : Moraceae
    Chromosome number
    : 2n = 56.
    • Jackfruit is a common and popular fruit crop of the low land tropics of eastern and southern parts of India.
    • This fruit tree grows well without much care. It is the largest edible fruit (20-40 kg), In Srilanka a fruit of about 120 kg was harvested and created the world record.
    • The fruit is also called as poor man’s fruits in eastern and southern part.
    • The tree has considerable potential, but it is yet to receive due attention in India it is not generally cultivated in regular plantations and is mainly grown in homestead for domestic uses & as a shade tree in coffee or cardamom plantations.

Last modified: Friday, 18 May 2012, 6:50 AM