Planting,Manuring and Irrigation

Planting,Manuring and Irrigation

    • Pits of 1 m3 size are dug at a distance of 10 x 10 m. for grafts and 12 x 12 m. for seedlings during March – May and planting is done during monsoon.
    • Each plant is supplied with 20 kg FYM every year. This much quantity of organic matter suffices the requirement for growth, flowering and fruiting.
    • Jamun is a hardy plant, usually 8 – 10 light irrigations are required during the early age of the plant. Bearing trees should not be given irrigation in Sept – Oct to encourage fruit bud formation. Similarly withholding irrigation in Feb – March enhances flowering & fruiting depending upon climatic condition.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 8:04 PM