Flowering and pollination
- In fig, three types of buds occurs. Flower buds which are spherical, have 3-5 scales and these buds produce Parthenocarpic fruits only. Mixed buds are conical, made up of 5-8 scales and these buds also produce fruits. Vegetative buds are made up of 3-5 scales which usually remain dormant and rarely produce shoots.
- Flower appears on the plants even at two years age, but considerable yield is obtained from 5th year onwards. In central and South India, fig bears fruits twice in a year viz., once in July – September and in February - May, Indian figs develop fruit without pollination. The fruits harvested during February-May are sweeter and of good quality and fetch premium price.
- Parthenocarpy is favoured or inhibited in a given type by climatic condition of the place where it is growing. In Coeur, cultivars like Black Ischia, Brown turkey and Pune are parthenocarpic. While the cultivars Turkish white has failed to set fruits without caprification in the said place. In Allahabad, the cultivated varieties, Pune and Black Ischia do not set fruit without caprification.
Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 10:06 PM