Employment of great number of man power per unit area

Employment of great number of man power per unit area

  • Vegetables are usually grown with intensive cultivation practices. Vegetable industry requires more labourers for one or the other operations continuously throughout the year starting from soil preparation to marketing.
    Suitability for succession and inter cropping resulting in greater intensity of cropping:
  • Vegetables can be grown throughout the year In the perennial crop orchard vegetables can very much grown as an intercrop. Few vegetables can be grown twice or even thrice in a year.
    Flexibility in production Programme:
  • The production programme can be adjusted and changed for better profits according to the need compared to fruit crops. In fruit crops it is difficult, time consuming and also expensive to change the production programme if it turns out to be unprofitable.
Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 6:38 AM