Suggestions for Improvement

Suggestions for Improvement

  • In order to meet the international requirement without affecting the domestic supply, there is a need for a well thought out strategy for the coming years so as to produce quality crops at competitive price and remain regularly in the market. Followings are the suggestions for improvement:
  • Export policy should be long term and consistent. Frequent changes in export policy should be avoided in view of likely adverse affects on foreign markets and growers.
  • Exclusive production of different vegetables for different seasons in suitable pockets should be arranged so as to continue supply throughout the year at a competitive price without affecting domestic supply.
  • Enough quality control measures should be made for weight, mixtures, size, disease etc. We must export the quality product only in order to remain in the market regularly.
  • Regular assessment of international market for products originating from the local areas. Suitable diversification of export both in terms of countries and commodities for increasing the quality and also value.
  • Suitable pockets for growing different vegetables economically round the year should be identified and agro techniques from export angle for production of quality produce of different crops should be standardized. Organic farming as well as integrated pest management should be introduced. Exclusive production of suitable crop/varieties for export as fresh and in processed form should be introduced.
  • Production and distribution of quality seeds of different crops may be arranged in adequate quantities by different seed producing agencies.
  • Pre-cooling units and cold storage for fresh vegetables should be established for prolonging the shelf life and minimizing the losses in post harvest handling.
  • Ventilated and temperature controlled transport system should be introduced and highest priority for loading and transportation of perishable items should be given.
  • Cold storage and transit ventilated storage facilities as per the need of different crops should be created at all ports/airports where from vegetables export is being taken.
Last modified: Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 6:51 AM