

  • Curry leaf is propagated through seeds. Polyembryony has been reported in curry leaf and about 14% of the fruit contains two seeds per fruit and such seeds are separated by a thin papery seed coat. On removal of the seed coat, differentiated embryos of 4-5 are recorded. When embryos are separated out and planted, they are capable of developing into a potential plant.
  • When whole seeds are planted, the weaker embryos are powered by the bigger ones producing only two seedlings per fruit. The seeds are to be sown in the raised nursery bed (one metre breadth and any length) well prepared by mixing equal parts of sand, red soil and FYM. Seeds can also be sown in PE bags filled with this mixture. Harvest well ripe fruits from the selected high yielding mother tree.
  • Normally fruits for seeds are available during July- August in Tamil Nadu. Each fruit contain 2-3 seeds. Seeds are to be extracted and sown immediately. If it is nursery bed, sow the seed uniformly in lines of 10 cm apart at a depth of 1 cm.
  •  Two seeds can be sown in poly bags. The seeds will germinate in 3 weeks. Irrigate the nursery to maintain optimum moisture. The seedlings are ready for transplanting in one year.
Last modified: Friday, 17 February 2012, 9:12 AM