Crop production

Crop production

  • Plough the field 3-4 times to get fine tilth. Apply FYM 25t/ha. Dig pits of 60cm3 at a spacing 3 meters rows and 1.5 meters between pits. One month before planting fill the pits with soil mixed with FYM. Irrigate the pits and allow settling. Well grown seedlings of 15-20 cm height are planted into each pit and irrigate the pit. Form one channel in between rows of pits.
  • Afterwards irrigations are provided once in week. Allow the plants to grow up to 1 meter and then cut the terminal bud to encourage basal branching. This will also facilitate to maintain the plant in a bushy shape so that the harvest will be easier. In total 5-6 branches can be maintained. In some areas curry leaf is pruned four times in a year and young shiny leaves are harvested. At each pruning, the bushes are manured and irrigated profusely.
Last modified: Friday, 17 February 2012, 9:13 AM