Economic importance
A fruit of ridge gourd are ribbed and is called kali tori whereas fruits of sponge gourd are smooth and is called ghia tori. Ridge gourd contains 0.5% protein, 3.4% carbohydrates, 37mg carotene and 18mg vitamin C per 100g edible portion. The sponge gourd fruits contain higher protein and carotene than ridge gourd. The fibre of dry fruits is also used in a number of ways. Some round varieties of ridge gourd is also used for stuffing purpose.
Ridge or ribbed gourd (Luffa acutangula Roxb.) and sponge gourd or smooth gourd (Luffa cylindrica Roem.) are popular vegetables both as spring-summer and rainy season crops. The genus derives its name from the product 'loofah', which is used in bathing sponges, scrubber pads, doormats, pillows, and mattresses and also for cleaning utensils. Both the species contain a gelatinous compound called luffein. Both ridge and sponge gourds have some medicinal uses.
In South, southeast, and East Asia, the tender fruits are eaten fresh or more commonly cooked and consumed as a vegetable. Sometimes, the tender leaves and growing shoots are also used as a pot herb.
Last modified: Monday, 13 February 2012, 5:26 AM