
Diseases of Peach

    • Peach is rich in sucrose, fructose and glucose content.
    • It is rich source of protein with all amino acids like
    • It also contains- carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron and zinc etc.
    • Peach are grown for both desert & processing purposes.
    • It is also used for making wine and fruit juice which is a common drink.
    • The cake after extraction of oil can also be used for various purposes.
    Major Disease of Peach
    1. Leaf curlTaphrina deformans
    2. RustPuccinia pruni – spinosae
    3. California peach blight- Stigmina carpophila
    4. ScabVenturia carpophila
    Minor Diseases of Peach
    1. Powdery mildewSphaerotheca pannosa var. persicae
    2. Frosty mildews – Cercosporella persicae
    3. Target leaf spotPhyllosticta persicae
    4. Bacterial leaf spot: Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae
    5. Gummosis: Prunus dwarf virus
    6. Mosaic Virus disease-Peach Mosaic Virus
    7. Necrotic Leaf spot: Necrotic Leaf Spot Virus .
    8. Peach- X : Phytoplasma like organism
    9. Peach yellows : Phytoplasma like organism

Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 10:03 AM