Glossary - III

Dehydration - A systemic state resulting from inadequate body water

Dyspnoea - Labored or difficulty in breathing.

Edema - An abnormal accumulation of fluid in intracellular space and body cavities. Edematous swelling is soft and pits on pressure.

Anasarca - An extensive subcutaneous edema occurring in the brisket region, under the jaw and along the midline.

Ascites - Accumulation of transudate in the peritoneal cavity

Hydropericardium - Accumulation of transudes in the pericardial sac and is characterized by muffling of heart sounds.

Hydrothorax - Accumulation of transudes in pleural cavities resulting in decreased audibility or absence of lung sounds over the ventral parts of the lungs and dullnesson acoustic percussion.

Fatigue - A state of decreased discomfort and decreased efficiency of resulting from prolonged exertion with loss of power or capacity to respond to stimulation.

Exercise intolerance - A cardiovascular and respiratory distress.

Heart failure - Indicates the heart cannot maintain cardiac output sufficient for the body requirement.

Heart murmurs - Any sound heard in conjunction with normal heart sounds.

Orthopnea - Dyspnea when recumbent.

Pallor - Paleness of visible mucosa or skin . pericardial friction sound is a scrapping or squealing noise audible with heart beat.

Anemia - A reduction of RBC’s below normal in the number or volume or in the quality of Hb in the blood.

Arrhythmia - An irregulation of cardiac rhythm. The term includes change in the heart rate or amplitude or both

Bradycardia - A decrease in the heart rate below normal range both species and age.

Capillary refill time - CRT is the time required for the gingival mucosa to return to its original colour after being blnched by digital pressure, normal is 1 to 2secont, prolonged CRT is above 2 sec

Cardiac (pericardial) tamponade - The syndrome caused by distension of the pericardial sac by fluid. EX.pus/ blood and detected clinically.

Jugular vein pulsation - A pronounced jugular vein pulsation which extends up the neck when the head is in normal position and which is synchronous with the heart cycle and is systolic in time indicates insufficiency of right atrioventricular valve.

Pulse deficit - A pulse rate lower than heart rate usually associated with cardiac arrhythmias which result in audible heart sounds but failure of heart to produce an arterial pulse.

Sneezing - A characteristic forceful exhalation of air from the respiratory tract initiated by stimulation of nasal mucosa.

Snorting - A voluntary, short, explosive expiration through nasal cavity, common in cattle and horses.

Stertor - Low pitched breathing(snoring) sound that occur during breathing owing to vibration of the soft palate, pharynx or nasopharynx

Tachypnea and polypnea - Very rapid breathing often due to hypoxemia and for hypercapnia

Wheezes - Continuous musical sound detectable on auscultation of thorax and trachea as venous congestion, muffled heart sounds and decreasd arterial pulse pressure

Congested visible mucous membrane - Commonly in peripheral circulatory failure as in shock in horse with surgical colic

Cor pulmonale - The syndrome of right heart failure resulting from an increase in right workload secondary to pulmonary disease and pulmonary hypotension.

Cough - Sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lung.

Cyanosis - A bluish discolouration of visible mucosa and skinduring to excessive concentration of reduced Hb in the blood.

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