Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt

    Causal organism: Fusarium fusarioides (Farg & Cif)
    • The disease appears as minute specks towards the leaf margin.
    • The spots are brown, circular to irregular in shape which coalesce and form big dark brown necrotic blotch at a later stage.


    • The disease is severe during August to November with when there is high humidity and the temperature between 20 and 27°C.

    Mode of survival and Spread

    • The pathogen survives in infected plant parts and spreads through airborne conidia

    Life cycle


    • Clean cultivation, i.e. sanitation, includes removal of weeds. On fallen leaves or infected plant parts, spray nitrogen solution (urea %) or bleaching powder to enhance these degradation process.
    • Prune infected and burn infected branches and pruned materials. The pruned area should be treated with Bordeaux paste or COC paste.
    • Spray thiophonate methyl (0.1%) or mancozeb( 0.2%) or cardendazim( 0.1%) on trees.

Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 8:31 AM