Management of fruit rots

Management of fruit rots

    • Harvest the produce during cool hours.
    • During grading, wounded infected, irregular sized fruits should be discarded.
    • Use aerated boxes and smooth bedding and filling material for packaging.
    • Store the produce before transit in completely controlled atmospheric condition
    • Remove all infected /dried part from the grading / packing areas.
    • Sterilize/decontaminate the storage bins with 0.5% formaldehyde or 70% ethyl alcohol.
    • Chemical treatment with Benomyl @ 1g/lit, by dipping the fruits in the solution.
    • Dip the fruits in wax solution for coating or dip the fruits in neem or Castor oil or dip the fruits in Trichoderma solution

Last modified: Saturday, 28 January 2012, 5:37 AM