Climate and Soil for coconut

Climate and Soil for coconut

  • Tropical palm :Coconut is a tropical palm preferring humid tropical climate. However, coconut is highly adaptable and performs well under a wide range of environmental conditions of climate, altitude and soil.
    Best yields from coconut plantations are realized under the following conditions;
  1. Latitude: Ninety per cent of coconut in the world is grown between 20º N and 20 º S from equator. Near the equator coconut is grown at higher elevation while at higher latitudes in plains.
  2. Altitude: Generally upto 600m. Can be grown at higher elevation (1000 m.) at higher elevations if near equator.
  3. Temperature: = 27 to 32 º C , Mean annual temperature of 27 º C with a diurnal (hagalina or pratidinada) variations of 6 to 7 ºC is ideal.( Hence, in North India we cant grow coconut profitably)
  4. Rainfall: 1,800 to 2,500 mm per year, well distributed .
  5. A sunloving palm : Insolation/sunlight: Coconut being a sun loving palm requires plenty of sunlight and does not come up well under shade.
    Requirement of sun light hours : It requires 7.1hrs. of sunshine per day;; 2000 hrs or more per year. Palms under shade will be lean, lanky and unproductive.
  6. Humidity: Coconut likes tropical humid climate and 80 to90 per cent relative humidity (RH) is ideal. RH below 60 per cent affects the growth. At a RH of less than 50 per cent opening of stomata will be affected
    Soils for coconut cultivation climate
  • Soil for coconut: Soils of coconut growing areas ranges between littoral sands to the heaviest clays.
  • Ideal soils for better growth should be
      1) Well drained
      2) Deep: At least 1 to 1.5 m deep,
      3) PH = 5.20 to 8
      4) Rich in organic matter with good water holding capacity,

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 8:51 AM