Diabetes-Related Eye Diseases

Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 11 : Sensory Impairment – Visual

Diabetes-Related Eye Diseases

Diabetes-Related Eye Diseases are among the leading causes of visual impairment in many countries. Diabetics can develop eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy (the most common diabetes-related eye disorder), glucoma and cataracts.

  • Glucoma is when the optic nerve that carries information from the light sensitive area of the eye, called the retina, directly to the brain is damaged, usually by high pressure in the eye. Eyes need a certain amount of pressure to keep their shape so that they work properly and stay healthy. When the pressure is too high, the child may find bright light or sunlight uncomfortable (photophobia) and have eyes that are slightly larger than usual. The child will also have a greater chance of developing a “squint” (when the eyes look in different directions) or a “lazy eye” (when one eye is weaker than the other) or the eyes may water more often than for other children.

  • Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that impedes (hinders) the passage of light. Although most cases of cataract are related to the ageing process, many children are also born with cataracts or the condition may develop after eye injuries, inflammation, and other eye diseases.
Last modified: Friday, 25 May 2012, 10:49 AM