
Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 11 : Sensory Impairment – Visual


  • The effect of visual problems on a child's development depends on the severity, type of loss, age at which the condition appears, and overall functioning level of the child.
  • A young child with visual impairments has little reason to explore interesting objects in the environment and, thus, may miss opportunities to have experiences and to learn. This lack of exploration may continue until learning becomes motivating or until intervention begins.
  • Because the child cannot see parents or peers, he or she may be unable to imitate social behavior or understand nonverbal cues. Visual handicaps can create obstacles to a growing child's independence.

Retrolental fibroplasia:
Also known as ‘retinopathy of prematurity’ (ROP) is a real disease in which blood vessels grow abnormally behind the retina. In severe cases this progresses to eye scar tissue which can lead to problem with the eye. Retrolental fibroplasia occurs in pre-matured infants and has been linked to the high concentrations of oxygen used to support their under developed lungs.



Rarely blindness is caused by the intake of certain chemicals. ‘Methanol’ which is only mildly toxic and minimally intoxicating, but when not competing with ethanol for metabolism, methanol breaks down in to the substances formaldehyde and form formic acid, which in-turn can cause blindness. An array of other health complications and death. Methanol is commonly found in methylated sprits, denatured ethyl alcohol.

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 9:59 AM