
Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 1 : Late childhood


Late childhood is a period from 6 to 12 years (Fabes R., & Martin C.L., 2003). It begins when the child enters into primary school. Entering in school for the first time is an important milestone in the child’s life. Life in school will be responsible for many changes that lead to change in his attitude and behaviour. Children undergo pervasive changes affecting their physical and psychological wellbeing.

Children enter into new social contexts like school neighborhood and larger community and are exposed to new intellectual and social demands in this period. Teachers, other students, classes and extracurricular activities play a significant role in children’s life. The family remains important, but the amount of time spent with family members’ drops, and the time spent in school and with peers’ increases. Thus in this period, children experience important changes in environment and social transactions. Hence they have to develop new coping strategies to deal with the demands placed by their changing environment.

Last modified: Sunday, 11 December 2011, 11:44 AM