
Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 25 : Social Behaviour During Adolescence


One of the most different developmental tasks of adolescence is related to social adjustments. Adjustments must be made to members of opposite sex, a relationship never existed before and due to make social adjustments with the adults, outside the family and school environment.

To get adult pattern of socialization, they make many new adjustments in many areas – increased influence of peer group, changes in social behaviour and social groupings, values in social acceptance. They spend most of their time with their peers which has an influence on their attitudes, interests, appearance and behaviour.

Adolescents continue to formulate and revise their concept of self, in the society of peers, finds support for their efforts at emancipation and per group serves as a major recreational outlet.

Social activities reach their peak either with members of same sex / opposite during high school / college. Again they depend on the location and socio cultural background of adolescents.

Even though the foundation of socialization are laid during childhood years, the adolescent is expected to build on these, his attitudes and behaviour patterns that would enable him to make the transition to adult world.

Hence, transition to adult social behaviour is different, as they have to remodify their attitudes, patterns of behaviour to make satisfactory adjustments to new roles.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 December 2011, 8:13 AM