Childhood gangs

Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 9 : Development of social interactions in late childhood

Childhood gangs

A childhood gang is a spontaneous local group having no authorization from outside and no socially approved aim.

An informal group formed by children themselves with support from parents, teachers and youth leaders as such is a substitute for adult society as it fails to give what is expected by the child.

Typical Gang: A typical gang is a play group made up of children who have common play interests. Primary purpose is to have good time, which may lead to mischief .from the ages of 6 or 7, boys and girls normally find increasing pleasure in being with groups of their own sex as a result gangs are unisexual in make up as children prefer their own sex.

Characteristics of Children’s Gangs:

  1. Gangs identify themselves by names, many of which are from the street or neighborhood where the members live.
  2. Gang members use secret signals, pass words, communication codes or a private language to maintain their secrecy.
  3. Childhood gangs often use insignia – caps, arm bands other things to identify their gang members.
  4. Gangs sometimes have initiation core monies to test a new members skill to create loyalty within the group and to make each member feel important of being accepted.
  5. The preferred meeting place of the gang which minimizes adult interference and maximize opportunities for gang activities. Girls usually meet near by home while boys away from home.
  6. Gang activities include all kinds of group play and entertainment, fun making things, annoying people by mischief making, sometimes exploring and engaging in forbidden activities such as gambling, smoking, drinking and experimenting with drugs.
Last modified: Monday, 12 December 2011, 1:43 PM