Forms of social groups

Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 9 : Development of social interactions in late childhood

Forms of social groups

Basic social status hierarchy emerges as based on the degree of acceptance which is as follows (Sociogram)

  1. Star: Accepted by each and every member of the group. Everybody admires stars because of some outstanding quality. Very few children fall into this category. They enjoy the bright social status.

  2. Accepted: are liked by many members of the group but their status is less secure than that of star. They may lose it if they antagonize the members of the group. They too have good status in the hierarchy of social status.

  3. Climber: are accepted in one group but want to gain acceptance in a socially more favoured group. Their position also is insecure.

  4. Fringer: are those who are on the border line of acceptance. Their status also is very insecure in the group.

  5. Isolate: They have no friends. These are two kinds voluntary isolates are those who withdraw from the group due to lack of interest. Involuntary isolates are rejected by the group even though they would like to be identified with it. They are the victims of low social status.

  6. Neglectee: are those who are overlooked by the members of the group as they are shy and withdrawn and have very little to contribute to the group.

Last modified: Tuesday, 13 December 2011, 9:58 AM