Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)
Lesson 22 : Marcia Theory On Identity Development
Identity Status- Marcia
Marcia’s (1988) research on identity status revealed four basic types of persons:
Identity diffused or identity confused: These subjects may or may not have experienced a crisis period, his hall mark is lack of direction orcommitment to a system of values. He has neither decided upon draws from making an effort to shape his identity. He is not interested in ideological matters.
They are low in autonomy and self directedness
More confused and disorganized
Foreclosure or a premature identity: This status occurs when adolescents accept and incorporate the values of their family and society without even questioning them. These subjects have little or no evidence of crisis, but made commitment to a system of values that is not the result of their own searching and experiencing but rather has come from others, mostly from parents.
They become what others intend them to become, without deciding for themselves. They further adopt their parents, religion, follow the vacation, their parents select for them. A certain rigidity characterizes their personality. They score high on authoritarianism and intolerance; show high degree of conformity and conventionally; but when put under stress, they perform poorly. Their security lies in avoiding change or stressful situations.
Both females and males of this status are more authoritarian, rigid and conforming than the other identity statuses.
More sucessptable to change their self esteem (both positively and negatively) in response to the external feedback.
Lowest level of autonomy (self directness) among the all four statuses.
Moratorium: Subjects are involved in a continuous crisis. They actively search out various alternatives but not make any permanent commitment. As a consequence, such persons seem confused, unstable and discontented. They are reluctant to accept the explanations and values of others. They are often rebellious and uncooperative and score low on authoritarianism.
High level of anxiety among all statuses
Tend to function at highest level of moral reasoning like achievers
More sensitive and open minded
Self righteous and indecisive
Identity achievers: Subjects experience psychological crisis and resolve their identity crisis by carefully evaluating various alternatives and chokes. They are motivated to achieve as they have attained higher level of intra psychic integration and social adaptation.
Once the mature identity is achieved, there is self acceptance, a stable self structure, and commitment to a vocation, religion etc. They experience harmony within oneself, and acceptance one’s capacities, abilities and limitations. Though these individuals are more advanced in their ego development, they are not totally free of anxiety. The ease with which the individual establishes an idea depends on kinds of experienced he has and the commitment he made towards the crisis.
The individual in the present complex society faced with various values and social roles from which must choose an alternative to make a decision. Here, the adolescent has to give a careful thought to the decision of what he wants to do in future and has to make decisions in light of his own talents, capabilities, limitations, families economic resources and the choices open to him.
Highest level of self esteem when compared to other three statuses