
Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 23 : Problems in Identity Development


According to Erikson, a sense of identity is as important and fundamental to existence as food, security and sexual satisfaction. The individual must have a sense of identity –his strengths, limitations and what he wants to do in life.

During adolescence, due to changes in physical, intellectual and moral reasoning, the individual develops a quest for establishment of a personal identity, which is relatively stable, consistent and unique.

Some individuals fail to achieve this matured identity, remain confused about their future and become incapable of making decisions and choosing roles. However, if this kind of attitude persists and becomes a permanent attribute, this confusion may lead to withdrawl from reality and in extreme cases it may lead to personality disintegration or even suicide etc.

The establishment of self identity is vitally important for a number of reasons. The level or identity status one experiences, influences

  • Mental health ( Psychological happiness)
  • Inter personal competence
  • Social adjustments
  • Progress in school and college
  • In vocational aspirations and
  • Protects individuals from the influence of deviant groups

As the child grows into an adult, his personal experiences also widen and he comes to know of his physical, social and intellectual capacities and limitations. However, the family variables i.e. maternal and paternal relationships play a significant role in identity, as parents are role models the adolescent identifies and a healthy or mature identity is developed through warm concern and interest on the part of parents.

Some adolescents have difficulties in establishing a consistent identity and sense of who they are. These difficulties are frequently manifested in disruptions in the adolescents and their families. So it is important to recognise and use preventive strategies for these serious problems.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 December 2011, 6:00 AM