Pulse Crops

Pulse Crops

    Pulses are grain legumes used as food.On splitting they produce dal which is rich in protein. They are regarded as building blocks of living organisms for high protein content. These crops have the unique built in ability of fixing atmospheric nitrogen in their root system.
    Fig: Classification of Pulse Crops.
    Fig: Classification of Pulse Crops.
    1. Red gram/Pigeon pea : Cajanuscajan
    2. Bengal gram/

    Chick pea : Cicerarietinum
    3. Black gram/Urd : Phaseolusmungo/Vignamungo
    4. Green gram/Mung : Phaseolusaureus/Vignaradiata
    5. Horse gram : Macrotylomauniflorum

    1. Soybean : Glysine max
    2. Field bean/Avare : Dolichos lablab
    3. French bean : Phaseolusvulgare
    4. Lima bean/

    Double bean: Phseoluslunatus
    5. Winged bean : Psophocorpustetragonolobus
    6. Cluster bean : Cyamopsistetragonoloba
    7. Moth bean : Vignaaconitifolia

    1. Pea : Pisumsativum
    2. Cow pea : Vignaunguiculata/V. sinensis

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 9:08 PM