Quality evaluation of finished products


Lesson 16:Quality control

Quality evaluation of finished products

Characteristics of Cakes
Chief characteristics of cakes can be classified as internal and external characteristics. The external characteristics include volume, crust colour, symmetry of form and character of crust. The internal characteristics include grain, crumb colour and sensory parameters such as taste, aroma and texture.
External characteristics

  • Volume: It depends on consumer preference. It should be well risen with slight convex top surface and should not appear too small or too large for its weight.
  • Crust colour: Pleasing golden brown colour is desirable. Too dark or too light or dull colour is not desirable. Crust must have a uniform colour, free from dark streaks or sugar spots or grease spots.
  • Symmetry of form: Cakes should have symmetrical appearance. Peaking, crack on top surface, low sides, sunken or high centre, burst, caved in bottom or uneven top are undesirable characteristics of cakes.
  • Character of crust : Crust should be thin and tender. It should not be rubbery, sticky or over moist, too tender, tough or busty crust indicates poor quality of cakes.

Internal Characteristics

  • Grain: The grain is the structure formed by the extended gluten strands including the area they surround. Grain will vary according to type of cake. Uniformity of the size of cells and thin cell walls are desirable qualities. Coarseness, thick cell wall, uneven size of grains, large holes and tunnels are indicative of poor grain. Grains should not be too open or too close.
  • Colour of Crumb: It should be lively, lustrous and uniform colour. It should be free from any streaks or dark patches. Grey, non uniform, dark, light or dull colour crumb are undesirable.
  • Aroma: Pleasant, rich, sweet and natural aroma is desired. Flat, misty, strong or sharp aroma is indicative of poor quality of cake.
  • Taste: It should be pleasant, sweet and satisfying without any after taste or foreign taste. Salt and soda in excessive amounts affect the taste adversely.
  • Texture: Texture denotes the pliability and smoothness of the crumb as felt by sense of touch. It depends on the physical condition of crumb and type of grain. A good texture is soft and velvety without weakness and should not be crumby. Rough, harsh, too compact, lumpy or too loose texture is not
Last modified: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 7:09 AM