CARE is one of the world’s largest private humanitarian organizations. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, committed to help families in poor communities & improve their lives. Founded in 1945 to provide relief to survivors of World War II, CARE quickly became a trusted vehicle for the composition and generosity of millions.
CARE international is a body of ten autonomous member organizations based in Australia, Canada, Benmark, Deutschland, France, Japan, Norge, Osterreich, UK and USA.
CARE’s mission has evolved over the decades. CARE continues to provide emergency relief during and after disasters, but the organization today focuses on addressing underlying causes of poverty. In such areas such as health, HIV/AIDs, natural resources, education and economic development, CARE works to empower women, because experience has shown that women’s gains yield dramatic benefits for families and communities.
CARE’s campaigns in the fight against global poverty includes
- The World Hunger Campaign
- Education (To improve quality and accessibility of basic education)
- HIV/AIDS: (Efforts to reduce spread of disease and to aid the affected one’s).
- Victories over poverty: (Long term solutions to poverty)
- CARE for the child
Different projects undertaken by
CARE in India are:
- Integrated Nutrition and Health project (INHP)
- Promoting linkages for urban sustainable Development (PLUS) Project.
- Better Health and Nutrition Project (BHNP)
- Sustainable Tribal Empowerment project (STEP)
- Anaemia Control Project
- Credit Rotation for Empowerment and Development through Institution. Buiding and Training (CREDIT) project.
- Maternal and Infant Survival project (MISP).
- Girls Primary Education (GPE) project.
- Improving women’s Health project.
- Improved Health Care for Adolescent Girls project.
- Kankan Integrated Development project.
- Child Survival (CS) project.
- Improving women’s Reproductive Health and Family spacing project.